

12th October 2022

Are you reporting your data in median and ranges if your numerical variables didn't fulfill the parametric assumptions (as known as not normally distributed data)Well, in fact … Mann-Whitney -Wilcoxon rank-sum uses the rank of each caseThe main calculation of Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon rank-sum test has nothing to do with medians. The rank sum test is ineffective as a generic test of medians. Without

12th October 2022

A Data-Driven Guide to Get Your Clinical Research Retracted A retracted paper is a paper that has been formally withdrawn by the journal that published it. The term is typically used in academic publishing to refer to articles published in peer-reviewed journals and then later retracted.The reasons for retracting a paper are usually because of ethical or data integrity issues, such as plagiarism,

26th September 2022

Introduction: What is Publication Bias and How Does it Affect Medical Research?keywords: publication bias, medical research, biostatistics, medical editorThe purpose of this article is to provide a brief overview of publication bias, its implications for medical research, and how it can be addressed.Publication bias is a phenomenon where studies with statistically significant results are more like

13th September 2022

What is Evidence-Based Medicine?Evidence-based medicine is a systematic approach to clinical decision-making that uses the best available evidence from research and patient values. This approach is used by physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals in their everyday practice. Evidence-based medicine relies on high-quality scientific data from medical research studies as we